O P O R T U N I T A T S !

Les que queden - Those that remain ( -50% )
Click the image to see all of them

01 - January-Gener

(31 paintings on paper DIN A4 200gr., with frame)
Click the image to see all the month

02 - February-Febrer

(28 paintings on paper DIN A4 200gr., with frame)
Click the image to see all the month

03 - March-Març

(31 paintings on paper DIN A4 200gr., with frame)
Click the image to see all the month

04 - April-Abril

(30 paintings on paper DIN A4 300gr.)
Click the image to see all the month

05 - May-Maig

(31 paintings on paper DIN A4 300gr.)
Click the image to see all the month

06 - June-Juny

(30 paintings on paper DIN A4 300gr.)
Click the image to see all the month

07 - July-Juliol

(31 paintings on paper DIN A4 300gr.)
Click the image to see all the month

08 - August-Agost

(31 paintings on paper DIN A4 300gr.)
Click the image to see all the month

09 - September-Setembre

(22 paintings on paper DIN A4 300gr. and 8 on canvas 20x20x3'8cm)
Click the image to see all the month

10 - October-Octubre

(31 paintings on canvas 20x20x3'8cm)
Click the image to see all the month

11- November-Novembre

(30 paintings on canvas 20x20x3,8cm)
Click the image to see all the month

12 - December-Desembre

(31 paintings on paper, canvas and wood)
Click the image to see all the month